Monday, April 23, 2012

The Need for Seeds

I spent the entire weekend gardening at home, and I'm back at work now with the help of coffee and ibuprofen. I bought a few plants at the Sand Springs Herbal Affair with the intention of bringing them to work for the PennWell Community Garden, but as it turned out I had enough room to accommodate them in my own beds.

To make up for that, I went to Atwoods and bought about a dozen packets of seed. I plan to introduce these into the garden whenever I can find the time and the tools to do so (and whenever I'm not wearing slacks and dress shoes)

Seeds I have:
Black Beauty zucchini squash
Yellow summer squash
Mammoth Russian sunflower (two packets)
Green onions
German chamomile
Habanero peppers (hot!)

Of these, I've only grown squash and sunflowers from seed before, so I'm a little nervous as to how this will turn out. Still, I'll give it a shot. Also, I divided a sage plant that I'd like to plant in the community garden too. Hopefully it will survive and thrive. I've never divided sage before.

I still need to find out from my fellow PennWellians how I can get some water onto these seedlings, as they'll need to be watered in once I put them in the ground. At the meeting, we said we could hook up a hose to our building, but I'm not sure if there's a hose available on our property and if so where I can hook it up. I can bring one from home if need be, but I'll still need to know where there's a faucet.

I plan to plant them in little mounds of dirt so people will know where things have been planted. Ideally, I'd like to get my hands on some popsicle sticks or tongue depressors so I can make some labels for them. I don't want to forget what I've planted where.

Most of these items will have a germination time of about 10 days, so if I can get out there this week, we'll be seeing some green peeking out of the community garden before too much longer. And who knows? Maybe my fellow PennWellians have other plans that I don't know about yet too! Stay tuned.

1 comment:

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