Friday, June 15, 2012

Update From My Garden and Our Garden

Well, I'm back. Like I said earlier, I fully plan to blog about desert plants soon, but for now, it's a good time to talk about how our gardens are coming along.

First off, I spent a week and a half driving through the Southwest on vacation. I asked my mom to check on the gardens while I was gone — just turn on the sprinklers now and then. When I got back, she had weeded and mulched my vegetable garden. Amazing.

Looks nice, eh? That's the sage I divided earlier this year.

I've got a giant mass of moonflower in front. I never planted them, so I think these may be the most successful volunteer plants I've ever had.

I have a lot of basil, so I put some on a homemade pizza. There's no such thing as too much basil.

Meanwhile, back at the PennWell Community Garden, we've got a few plants coming up. 

This is the center of a sunflower that's developing (viewed from top down). I planted these from seed.

The squash Dana transplanted from her garden looks a little dry and leggy here, but since I took this picture they have really spread out nicely. Some of the leaves are downright huge.

That's all for now!

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