Friday, May 18, 2012

Housekeeping note

I'll be leaving on vacation to the Southwest here pretty soon. The trip will include hikes in national forests and visits to Albuquerque, Phoenix and Scottsdale. We'll also be stopping at the Grand Canyon.

So I won't be around for about a week and a half to work in the garden, or manage the blog. But hopefully I'll come back with some cool pictures to share. The wildlife and plants of the desert have always been such a fascination for me. I remember making marker drawings as a kid of the painted desert, with big saguaros and Road Runner and Coyote-style canyons.

'Til then, happy trails and happy digging. And don't forget to water.

OK, so I did one more thing. I pushed some seeds into the ground just now: habanero peppers, green onions and carrots. Carrots are supposed to do well in sandy soil, peppers grow almost anywhere, and the onions are kind of an experiment. Anyway, I have them marked, so if something pops up there while I'm gone, don't pull it. It's not a weed.

Dana tells me she planted some watermelon seeds as well, which are marked with plastic straws. They're along the south side of the garden. Those ought to be good sellers if we can coax them into growing us some melons. Oh, and cucumbers too, which I think she planted close to the squash.

The good news is there's still plenty of space, so if anyone has any herbs, veggies or fruit they'd like to grow, give it a shot.

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